Anal play: 3 ways to perform anal masturbation

anal play, anal sex

Anal play: Engaging in anal sex is not for everyone.

The truth about anal sex is that some people like it and some people don’t. So how can you tell if you do or you don’t without doing it, at least once? It’s not like kissing, an activity that we explore through experimentation with others who we may not know or even particularly like. So the best way to try it out is to try it out on yourself.

Here’s how below.


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1. Proper homework. You can start by learning the basic parts of your anal anatomy, including the sphincter muscles, anal canal, and the prostate gland (if you’ve got one). There’s nothing like hands-on education, but checking out the road-map first might help you orient yourself a little easier.

2. Wear gloves. The best way to begin anal exploration is with your own touch. Many of us have hang-ups about anal sex because of the region to feces that it involves. In practice avoiding feces during anal sex is easier than you think. Using latex or nitrile gloves is the easiest way to keep your anal play safe and clean. Gloves prevent fluid transmission, and they also smooth out any dry skin.


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3. Lubricant. Personal lubricant is essential for anal masturbation. Neither the anus nor the rectum produces their own lubrication, and tissue inside the anus tears easily. Using a good quality lubricant will not only make things slide in and out easier, but it will reduce the chances of damaging tissue. You’ll need to keep adding more lubricant as you play.

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