Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Reality Are VERY Different

Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Reality ARE Very Different

Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Reality Are VERY Different – The Crucial Difference. You should know the difference between a fantasy and a desire to get more of what you really want. When you are ready to explore your erotic horizons and start exploring your sexuality, it’s fundamental to draw a clear boundary between your desires and your fantasies.

This blog is adapted from The Fantasy Method…

Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Reality Are VERY Different.

Desire Vs. Fantasy

Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Reality ARE Very Different: Many people try to open a conversation with their sex contact by saying something like “Tell me about your fantasies. . .” While this is a great question to ask, often people run into trouble because they haven’t defined what their fantasy is.

The difference between Fantasy and Desire is extremely important to establish and preserve. Establishing this difference will give you more autonomy to explore your Fantasy and more self-confidence in expressing your Desires. You’ll be more likely to know what you genuinely want, and much more likely to make those Desires a reality. We strongly recommend that you maintain a very clear distinction between these terms, according to their dictionary definitions:

A Fantasy is an activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.

Fantasy is a sphere where everything is possible, where you are free to envisage wild scenarios, bizarre situations and imagine having sex with people you don’t know.

A Desire is a strong emotion of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

Desires are those experiences that you find enjoyable and want more of in your actual life. Desires are explicit elements from the world of fantasy and reality that you find satisfying.

Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Reality Are VERY Different.

In Fantasy, everything is possible. The confines of reality do not apply. Your fantasies are limited only by your imagination; things such as health and safety are guaranteed. You are in a state of anything is a possibility. In the land of Fantasy, you can secretly explore the outer limits without having to justify your thoughts to anyone, without any risk.

XXX Sex Contacts.

XXX Sex Contacts is the UK’s largest adult sexting introduction service: our service operates exclusively in the realm of Fantasy.  The purpose of the service is sex text (sexting). We have a clear set of commonsense rules and guidelines relating to how the service should be used (to protect everyone concerned) however, we do not control who says what to whom – that is a private matter between consenting adults. Whatever you choose to say, is between you and the person you are messaging – the contract is between the two of you and has nothing to do with us or anyone else. Our role is to facilitate introductions and provide (as far as is possible) a safe and secure sexting environment.

However, things can change from a Fantasy to a Desire if you want to make it real. Fantasies are not fulfilled in real life.  A Desire can be. Fantasies live in your imagination only; Desires, on the other hand, can become part of a real-world experience. Pleasures may shift from one category to another over time, moving across the boundaries dictated by our lifestyles, circumstances, physical abilities and emotional needs.

We are responsible for our own actions.

What little girls wear does not create sexual predators.

What big girls wear does not give men a right to have sex with them.

We are each responsible for managing our own behaviour.

Respect the boundaries of others and remember that no means no.

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