What Makes Real Men, According To Women?

Real Men

What are the characteristics of real men?

Here are the essential characteristics of real men, according to our women.

Being a real man is not as simple as it sounds, particularly these days. Men are becoming more and more feminised. Many men have lost their masculinity and don’t behave like they were meant to.

We won’t tell you that you need to be confident or have strong body language to be an alpha male. Instead, we’re going to reveal the essential qualities of a real man – the characteristics that, according to our women, separate a desirable man from a helpless loser.

If your personality traits don’t match exactly to these traits, then you have two choices:

  1. Ignore this blog and leave the page. But we want you to have the best chance of attracting women. You won’t be successful here if you can’t handle the truth or accept your flaws and work to improve them.
  2. Here’s your opportunity to improve your desirability to women.  So without any more ado, let’s begin.

Firstly, it goes without saying that your self-development shouldn’t end when you reach the bottom of this page. This blog is only your starting point. When you adopt the characteristics of a ‘real man’, you won’t only be more attractive to the opposite sex, but it’s highly likely that you’ll be more successful in life generally.

Now, most men will only be able to claim 4 or 5 (at best) of the characteristics of masculinity we have identified. This means the characteristics are not inherent in men, but that they can be developed.

The first step is for you to know what women say are the characteristics they look for most in a real man. Whichever of these characteristics you can honestly ‘tick off’, remember no man is perfect. It is extremely unlikely that you will be able to tick each characteristic off as being ‘you’.  Every man makes mistakes; get’s it wrong occasionally (at least) and will cross the lines sometimes.  No man is perfect, from a woman’s perspective, only in his own mind!

The aim is to reduce mistakes, never make the same mistake twice and work hard every day to become (even more) attractive to women.

You might never become 100% perfect for your dream girl, but what matters is to rise from a beta to an alpha male.

Right, let’s do this:

  • Manly men are decisive

Do you wait for someone else to make decisions, or find yourself being vague?


Are you someone who can ‘take-charge’ and make quick, well-thought-out, decisions?

For instance:

Below are examples of what a real man should NOT say when a woman asks him about going out:

“Oh I don’t know babe, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t mind. What do you fancy doing?”

“It’s up to you really; do you have anything in mind?”

Be honest. Does this sound like someone you know?

Women want their men to take charge and make decisions (quickly) – either positive or negative.

You might say:

“Let’s go to ‘A’, do ‘B’ and then we can ‘C’.”


“I don’t fancy it tonight. Can’t we talk tomorrow?”

See the difference?

In the first case, the alpha male makes a specific positive decision. It doesn’t matter if she likes the idea or not. What matters is to make a bloody decision – that’s why she is asking you. She doesn’t want to hear: “I don’t know” or “What do you want to do?”.

A real man, according to women, is someone who knows what he wants.

  • A real man will be unswayable.

Real men know how they want their life to go. They stand behind that vision and never let anyone destroy it by filling their minds with doubt and insecurity.

When others don’t believe in your mission – simply smile and ignore them. A real man holds on faithfully to his personal goals and life purpose with unquestionable belief and relentless vigour.

  • A real man is self-motivated.

Watching motivational videos on YouTube won’t make you more successful with women. Real men don’t need outside inspiration to help them follow their goals.

They don’t need others to lift them up psychologically because real men are essentially motivated to succeed and kick-ass. It comes from within you.

When the impetus is coming from within, your goals are already semi-accomplished.

  • A real man will be non-conformist.

What is a conformist?

It’s a person who uncritically or habitually conforms to the customs, rules, or styles of a group.

In other words, conformists are sheep that follow the crowd. Conformists don’t have their own ideas and aren’t original thinkers.

Instead, they just mimic what others do and copy other people’s ideas.

Since everyone does it – it doesn’t mean that it’s the right way.

If what everyone does was the right way, then everyone would be happy, rich and living the life of their dreams. But this is not happening.

Real men are non-conformists and think out of the box. They don’t need to follow the common protocols to feel approved.

Real men choose their own path and don’t follow the herd.

  • A real man will be at the peak of his physical wellness.

The significance of this cannot be emphasised enough. A real man must be physically fit. He must have a body that can move rocks.

He must have the bodily strength to maintain himself and look after the ones he loves.

Feeble men don’t care about their physical wellness and are always unfit. When you are unfit, you are not a real man.

From ancient times, males have always be portrayed as being strong, fit and powerful. Never thin, weak, or overweight.

It’s not a sin to be skinny or fat. The shame is to close your eyes to the importance of physical wellness and continue snacking or eating junk food.

Being a real man is extremely dependent on taking care of your body and staying in great physical condition.

  • Real men are hungry for knowledge.

A healthy mind equals a healthy body.  The Greeks were committed to looking after their bodies and minds. Think King Leonidas – think Spartans!  They were some of the greatest warriors, ever.

Spartans were real men. Yet, it’s not enough to just take care of your body – if you don’t take care of your mind! A real man must be on a constant quest for greater knowledge and understanding – you need to look to expand your thinking and discover new things every day.

When a man is both physically and mentally fit, he has all the power he needs to attract sexy women – and to ‘conquer the world’.

  • Real men listen before they speak.

For the most part, people tend to talk about themselves, their activities, achievements and meaningless gossip others aren’t really interested in hearing.

Real men don’t speak unless they have something valuable to say. Rather than speaking and continuously expressing HIS thoughts and intentions, a real man thinks carefully before he talks and prefers to let others do the talking.

  • A real man lifts other people up.

The best way to distinguish a man of value from a loser is to look at how he treats other people in his life.

Real men help others succeed and live to help those who are keen to learn and help themselves – they lift people up instead of dragging them down.

Most people focus on bringing down their competition. A real man has no competition.

  • Real men do not try to control women.

Jealousy is one of the worst things in a relationship between a man and a woman. If one of them is exceptionally envious, then the relationship is going to face severe problems. If the man is the one who is excessively jealous, then he must stop being a control freak.

A real man doesn’t make a woman his sun. Instead, he is the sun and lets his woman orbit around him – if that’s what she wants. If she doesn’t want to be there, then there is no reason to be jealous and try to control her. He simply lets her go.

  • A real man never tries to impress those who are not worth it.

You know them, you have seen them. Men that brag about themselves, their possessions or how much wealth they have.  However, all the bragging is due to their need for attention. It’s the need to feel important.

A real man doesn’t need to show off his wealth or material possessions to impress others.

Instead, he makes a lasting positive impression by:

  1. Helping and genuinely caring about others
  2. His personality and the enviable qualities he possesses
  • A real man knows what ‘responsibility’ means.

Losers tend to blame others for their mistakes and failures. They refuse to accept responsibility for what’s going wrong in their lives.

For some people, the problem is thought to be their bad luck, a nanny state or how the stars are aligned.

Sadly, when shit happens in your life the fault is most likely down to your actions or inactions.

A real man knows that and accepts full responsibility for what’s happening in his life. And he does his best to change whatever he doesn’t like. A real man works hard to shape his life to how he wants it to be.

  • A real man doesn’t look for approval from others.

Real men make decisions based on what they want. Not based on what others think, want or expect from them.

A real man doesn’t look for endorsement for his actions, he just acts – without being immoral – and he will never apologise for what he wants.

He puts his desires first and never sacrifices his desires, goals, and dreams to make other people happy. He knows that those who really care for him will understand his choices.

The rest of them don’t matter because they didn’t really care in the first place.

Let us know what a real man is – based on your opinion (and experiences).

You can contact us anytime via the Contact page. We’re always listening!

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