3 things you should never do after making love

things you should never do after making love

3 things you should never do after making love. Was the sex too short for you? Trust us, it’s not the time to start complaining about it.

When it comes to sex, nothing can spoil a hot and heavy sex session like poor bed manners. You might have sadly encountered some awful bedside manners with some bed partners that have left you scratching your head. Unfortunately, it happens.

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While no one likes someone being rude to them, you also want to make sure that you’re not giving your partner the wrong impression. Below are 3 things you should not do post-sex.


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1. Refusing being cuddled. If they make a move to get close to you, don’t just throw them off because that will really hurt. If you don’t like cuddling, bring it up when you and your partner aren’t in a sexy time situation. That way you can talk about it along with things you both like and dislike about sex. If you just start rejecting cuddles post-sex, they might think they did something wrong during the “act” and that could lead to a fight.

2. Complain about the whole sexual experience. Was the sex too short for you? Does your back ache? Those things may all be true, but you don’t need to start listing all of the things when you’re supposed to be enjoying in your post-sex glow. The only time you should ignore this if you’re injured or in pain. Then you definitely need to let it out.


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3. Breaking a major news. You can call it sex brain or whatever you like, but the important thing to remember is that making a big announcement after really good or bad sex isn’t the best way to go. You need to chill. If you still feel the same way in a few hours or days, you’ll know that your heart and mind are thinking straight, and you’re not just going by the feelings down there.

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Adult blog: 3 things you should never do after making love by Emma Valasco.

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