Mobile Phone Services

Below is a copy of the letter to providers of mobile phone services from the Director, Consumer Enforcement, Ofcom.

For information:

Mobile bill limits implementation

We are writing regarding the new legal obligation on mobile providers to offer bill limits to
customers from 1 October 2018.

Section 124S of the Communications Act 2003 (‘the Act’), which comes into force on 1 October
2018, requires providers of mobile phone services to give customers the ability to limit the cost of
their bill and to notify customers when that limit is likely to be reached. The legislation requires that
a bill limit is offered to all customers taking out a mobile phone contract on or after 1 October 2018
and to all customers renewing any existing contract from this date. These customers must also be
permitted to specify, amend or remove a bill limit on reasonable notice at any time. A customer’s
limit can only be exceeded with their express consent. If a service continues to be provided without
this consent, the provider is prohibited from billing the customer for any charges for the service
after the limit is reached.

Ofcom is responsible for enforcement of the bill limit obligation under section 124T of the Act. Our
enforcement guidelines will apply in respect of any enforcement action that we take.

Based on our initial discussions with industry stakeholders, we have not identified any issue where
further consultation about our enforcement approach or detailed guidance is needed at this stage.
However, to assist providers implementing this obligation, Annex A sets out our understanding of
how the legislation will work in practice.

Annex B sets out draft FAQs for consumers. We intend to publish a final version of these on our
website prior to the bill limit obligation coming into force on 1 October 2018.

If you have any questions about implementing this obligation, please contact Camille Seldon by
email on or by phoning 020 7783 4182.

Yours sincerely,
Lynn Parker

PDF link

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